Author | Title | Year | Journal/Proceedings | Reftype | DOI/URL |
Abel, F. | Die Ausbildung des bestimmten Artikels und der deiktischen Systéme der romanischen Sprachen, untersucht an der Sprache der lateinischen Bibel | 1970 | Glotta, pp. 1-31 | article | |
Adams, D. | Two Greek words for Beard: ὑπήνη and πώγων | 1986 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Adams, D. | Latin Mas and Masturbari | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Adams, D.Q. | Ἥρως and Ἥρᾱ | 1987 | Glotta, pp. 1-8 | article | |
Adams, D.Q. | The Etymology of Greek μασχάλη "Armpit" with Notes on μάλη | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Adams, D.Q. | Further Reflections on Latin "crinis" "Headhair," Albanian "krip" and Related Words in Indo-Iranian | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Adams, J.N. | The Uses of neco I. | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-26 | article | |
Adams, J.N. | "Culus, Clunes" and their Synonyms in Latin | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-34 | article | |
Adams, J.N. | The Vocabulary of the Annales Regni Francorum | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-26 | article | |
Adams, J.N. | Latin Words for "Woman" and "Wife" | 1972 | Glotta, pp. 1-22 | article | |
Adkin, N. | "Solo tantum": a colloquialism in St. Jerome | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
ADRADOS, F.R. | Towards a new Stratigraphy of the Homeric Dialect | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-15 | article | |
Aitchison, J. | The Distinctive Features of Ancient Greek | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-29 | article | |
von Albrecht, M. | Zu Vergils Erzähltechnik | 1970 | Glotta, pp. 1-11 | article | |
Allen, A. | An Epexegetic "et" in Propertius | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-1 | article | |
Allen, A. | A Double Hendiadys in Sophocles | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-1 | article | |
Alpers, K. | Zu Valerius Flaccus 1,45 | 1971 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Alpers, K. | Synonymendistinktionen in Marginalien des Vaticanus Gr. 1818 | 1970 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Alquen, R.D. | Ein gotisch-griechisch-vulgärlateinisches Rätsel | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-10 | article | |
Andersen, Ø. | Litai und Ehre: Zu Ilias 9, 513f | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Annibaldis, G. | Il coro di Pirria | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-8 | article | |
Annibaldis, G. | La più antica iscrizione greca | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
Arnott, W.G. | αὐλητρίδα πεζήν | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Athanassakis, A. | An inquiry into the etymology and meaning of ἴφθιμος in the early epic | 1971 | Glotta, pp. 1-21 | article | |
Avontis, I. | On the Greek Vocabulary in the Digest | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-34 | article | |
Avotins, I. | Artemidorus of Daldis on the Pronunciation of Greek | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Ax, W. | Aristophanes von Byzanz als Analogist. Zu Fragment 374 Slater | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-15 | article | |
Ax, W. | Aristarch und die "Grammatik" | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-14 | article | |
Ax, W. | Ψόφος, φωνή und διάλεκτος als Grundbegriffe aristotelischer Sprachreflexion | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-27 | article | |
Baldwin, B. | Fumum vendere in the Historia Augusta | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Baldwin, B. | The First and Only | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Baldwin, B. | Sulla δημοκράτωρ | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-1 | article | |
Baldwin, B. | An Unnoticed Sense of κυμινοπρίστης | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Baldwin, B. | Notes on the Greek-Coptic Glossary of Dioscurus | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Baldwin, B. | κοπιδερμία/κοπίδερμος | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Baldwin, B. | carzimasium": a Greek word? | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-1 | article | |
Baldwin, B. | senator or Senator? Procopius, "De aed." 1,3. 14 | 1979 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Baldwin, B. | Penthiacum: a culinary Term in Petronius | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Bammesberger, A. | Lateinisch lucere | 1986 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Bammesberger, A. | Zum Konjunktiv des Präsens bei lat. "dare" | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
Bammesberger, A. | ἐγένετο und ἔγεντο | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Bartelink, G.J.M. | Etymologisierung bei Gregor dem Grossen | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-15 | article | |
Bartelink, G.J.M. | Ἀλλότριος und alienus als Teufels- und Dämonenbezeichnung | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-13 | article | |
Bartelink, G.J.M. | Textkritisches zu der anonymen lateinischen Übersetzung der Vita Antonii | 1971 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Bartelink, G.J.M. | Σπήλαιον/spelunca in christlichen Texten als abwertende Bezeichnung eines religiösen Versammlungsortes | 1970 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Barton, C.R. | Greek ἐγήρᾱ | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-19 | article | |
Baumbach, L. | The Mycenaean Greek Vocabulary II | 1971 | Glotta, pp. 1-40 | article | |
Beekes, R.S.P. | On the Structure of the Greek Hexameter | 1972 | Glotta, pp. 1-10 | article | |
Benedetto, V.D. | At the Origins of Greek Grammar | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-21 | article | |
Benedetto, V.D. | Osservazioni intorno a *αυσ- e *αιερι | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-20 | article | |
Benediktson, D.T. | Horribilesque ultimosque Britannos | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
van Bennekom, R. | Hom. Il. A 282-4 | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Betts, G.G. | Petronius C. 50 and a gloss in Hesychius | 1971 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Biraud, M. | Les expressions de l'idée comparative en Grec classique: coréference et disjonction | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-16 | article | |
Biville, F. | La pertinence du critere apophonique dans la datation des emprunts au grec et des faits phonétiques latins | 1988 | Glotta, pp. 1-21 | article | |
Blank, D.L. | Remarks on Nicanor, the Stoics and the Ancient Theory of Punctuation | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-20 | article | |
Blumenthal, H.J. | Homeric Hymn in Demeter 108: κουρήϊον ἄνθος | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Blümel, W. | Zur historischen Morphosyntax der Verbalabstrakta im Lateinischen | 1979 | Glotta, pp. 1-49 | article | |
de Boel, G. | La syntaxe des verbes voir chez Homere | 1987 | Glotta, pp. 1-14 | article | |
Bohnenkamp, K.E. | Zur Lachmannschen Regel | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Bolkestein, A.M. | Part II: The Differences between free and obligatory ut-clauses | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-20 | article | |
Bolkestein, A.M. | A.c.i.- and ut-Clauses with verba dicendi in Latin | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-29 | article | |
Booth, A.D. | Rhéteur d'orge | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Booth, A.D. | "sedere" dans Martial 11.99 | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Boreham, L. | The semantic development of πάσχω | 1971 | Glotta, pp. 1-14 | article | |
Bork, H.D. | Lateinisch-romanisch "auris/auricula/auditus" | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-37 | article | |
Braswell, B.K. | A Grammatical Note on Cypria, Fr. 4 K | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Braswell, B.K. | Three Linguistic Notes on Pindar | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-18 | article | |
Braswell, B.K. | Ζαμενής: A lexicographical Note on Pindar | 1979 | Glotta, pp. 1-9 | article | |
Brenk, F.E. | Lesbia's "Arguta Solea": Catullus 68.72 and Greek Λιγύς | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Brunner, T.F. | ΤΟΛΜΗΡΙΑ | 1989 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Böhm, R.G. | Epitrochasmos | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Bühler, W. | Kontamination von indirekter Wort- und Satzfrage im Griechischen | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Cameron, A. | Cyril of Scythopolis, V. Sabae 53: A Note on κατά in late Greek | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-8 | article | |
Carey, C. | ΓΟΝΙΑΣ (Aeschyl. Cho. 1067) | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Casson, L. | Greek and Roman Clothing: Some Technical Terms | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-15 | article | |
Chadwick, J. | The Etymology of Greek πάλαι | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Colaclides, P. | Concerning θεόταυρος | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Colaclides, P. | Les adjectifs désignant des relations spatiales on grec moderne | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Colaclides, P. | Sur la syntaxe des verbes φιλεῖν et ἐρᾶν | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Colaclides, P. | Notules néo-grecques | 1971 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Coleman, R. | The Latin Future Passive Infinitive | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Collinge, N.E. | The Senate and the Essence: γερουσία and οὐσία | 1971 | Glotta, pp. 1-12 | article | |
Conomis, N.C. | Scriptiunculae criticae | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Cotter, J. | ἐπαποθανεῖν τετελευτηκότι | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
Crespo, E. | On the System of Substantive Clauses in Ancient Greek | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-16 | article | |
Cromey, R.D. | Attic Παιανία and Παιονίδαι | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-8 | article | |
Culham, P. | Roman Roads, Greek Terms - Translation, Transliteration and Transfer | 1987 | Glotta, pp. 1-10 | article | |
Cunningham, I.C. | Συρμαιογραφεῖν | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Dale, T. | Homeric ἐπητής/ἐπητύς: Meaning and Etymology | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-10 | article | |
Darcus, S. | How a Person relates to νόος in Homer, Hesiod and the Greek Lyric Poets | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-12 | article | |
Darcus, S. | A Person's Relation to φρήν in Homer, Hesiod, and the Greek Lyric poets | 1979 | Glotta, pp. 1-19 | article | |
Darcus, S. | A Person's Relation to ψυχή in Homer, Hesiod, and the Greek Lyric poets | 1979 | Glotta, pp. 1-10 | article | |
Darcus, S. | "-phron" Epithets of "thumos" | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Darms, G. | Die Ionismen des Papyrus Antinoae in den Pharmakeutria des Theokrit | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-44 | article | |
Davidson, J. | Saphoclean Periphrasis | 1986 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Davies, M. | The Date of the Epic Cycle | 1989 | Glotta, pp. 1-12 | article | |
Deroy, L. & Halleux, R. | A propos du grec ἤλεκτρον "ambre" et "or blanc" | 1974 | Glotta, pp. 1-17 | article | |
Dihle, A. | Παλίωξις | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-8 | article | |
Dihle, A. | Εἰσαπόλλυμι | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Dihle, A. | Privatives ἀπο- | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Dihle, A. | Δρακοντιοῦς | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
Dihle, A. | Leumanns Homerische Wörter und die Sprache der mündlichen Dichtung | 1970 | Glotta Vol. 48, pp. 1-8 |
article | |
Dosuna, J. Mé. | À propos de IG. VII, 3377, 6 ιουιῶ | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Dosuna, J. Mé. | Une autre question de dialectologie grecque | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-15 | article | |
Drew-Bear, T. | Some Greek Words: Part II | 1972 | Glotta, pp. 1-47 | article | |
Drew-Bear, T. | Some Greek Words: Part I | 1972 | Glotta, pp. 1-36 | article | |
Dubois, L. | Deux notes de dialectologie grecque | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Dunkel, G. | σύν, ξύν | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Dunkel, G. | ὕπτιος | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Dunkel, G. | Ennian atque atque; prope | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Dunkel, G. | Ennian "atque atque" | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Dunn, G. | Enclitic Pronoun Movement and the Ancient Greek Sentence Accent | 1989 | Glotta, pp. 1-19 | article | |
Dunn, G. | Syntactic Word Order in Herodotean Greek | 1988 | Glotta, pp. 1-17 | article | |
Dunnett, R. | Thessalian κις | 1970 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Durling, R.J. | Some Particles and Particle Clusters in Galen | 1988 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Durling, R.J. | Prepositional Idiom in Galen | 1986 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Durling, R.J. | Addenda Lexicis, primarile from Aëtius of Amida and Paul of Aegina | 1986 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Durling, R.J. | Lexicographical Notes on Galen's Writings (Part III) | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-9 | article | |
Durling, R.J. | Lexicographical Notes on Galen's Writings (Part II) | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-9 | article | |
Durling, R.J. | Lexicographical Notes on Galen's Writings (II) | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
Durling, R.J. | Lexicographical Notes on Galen's Pharmacological Writings | 1979 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Dyck, A.R. | On Plato, "Cratylus" 398 d 5 | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Dyck, A.R. | Herodian über die Etymologie von ἴφθιμος | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Dyer, R. | The coming of night in Homer | 1974 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
Dyer, R. | Matoas the Thraco-Phrygian name for the Danube, and the IE root madu | 1974 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Döpp, S. | Kann "modus" 'personales Vorbild' bedeuten? | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
Döpp, S. | Der Verfasser des Erotikos in Platons 'Phaedrus' | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-15 | article | |
Edgeworth, R.J. | Horace Epodes 16.7 caerulea pube | 1989 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Edgeworth, R.J. | Saffron-colored Terms in Aeschylus | 1988 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Edgeworth, R.J. | Off-Color Allusions in Roman Poetry | 1987 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Edgeworth, R.J. | Luteus - Pink or Yellow | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-9 | article | |
Edgeworth, R.J. | Terms for "Brown" in Ancient Greek | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-10 | article | |
Edgeworth, R.J. | "Inconsistency" in Vergil and in Homer | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Edgeworth, R.J. | Does "purpureus" mean "bright" | 1979 | Glotta, pp. 1-11 | article | |
Edgeworth, R.J. | What Color is "ferrugineus" | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-9 | article | |
Egan, R.B. | Λειριόεις κτλ. in Homer and elsewhere | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-11 | article | |
Egan, R.B. | Hesychios on καδμος: Some Corroboration | 1974 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Ehlers, W.W. | Regel oder Ausnahme? (Plin. ep. 9, 13, 24) | 1971 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Eide, T. | δημοβόρος | 1988 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Eideneier, H. | Neugriechisch κυτάζω | 1989 | Glotta, pp. 1-9 | article | |
Eideneier, H. | Mittelgriechisch εἶν(αι) = εἰσί(ν) | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-12 | article | |
Eire, A. Ló. | A propos de l'attique ὤν, οὖσα, ὄν | 1986 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Eisenberger, H. | Zur Erklärung von Ilias 1,282-284 | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Elferink, L.J. | Über den "emphatischen Grundwert" des Potentialis | 1970 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Ellsworth, J.D. | Agamemnon's Intentions, Ἀγών and the Growth of an Error | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-8 | article | |
Erasmi, G. | The Saturnian and Livius Andronicus | 1979 | Glotta, pp. 1-25 | article | |
Erbse, H. | Zur normativen Grammatik der Alexandriner | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-23 | article | |
Eska, J. | The Language of the Latin Inscriptions of Pompeii and the Question of an Oscan Substratum | 1987 | Glotta, pp. 1-16 | article | |
Fajen, F. | Tempus und Modus in den Temporalsätzen der Halieutika des Oppian | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-21 | article | |
Fajen, F. | Tempus im Griechischen | 1971 | Glotta, pp. 1-8 | article | |
Fatouros, G. | ὡραία γάμου | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Fatouros, O. | Neugriechisch bei Epiktet | 1971 | Glotta, pp. 1-8 | article | |
Faust, M. | Zur Erforschung des Altlateins in den westlichen Provinzen | 1970 | Glotta, pp. 1-12 | article | |
Faust, M. | Die künstlerische Verwendung von κύων 'Hund' in den homerischen Epen | 1970 | Glotta, pp. 1-24 | article | |
Fehling, D. | Lehnübersetzungen aus orientalischen Sprachen im Gr. und Lat. | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-24 | article | |
Finkelberg, M. | From Ahhiyawa to Ἀχαιοί | 1988 | Glotta, pp. 1-8 | article | |
Fischer, K.-D. | Three lexicographical Notes | 1979 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Floyd, E.D. | The Sources of Greek Ἵστωρ Judge, Witness | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-10 | article | |
Floyd, E.D. | Kleos aphtiton: An Indo-European Perspective on Early Greek Poetry | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-29 | article | |
Floyd, E.D. | More on Nasal Dissimulation: Ἐρράδαται etc. | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-12 | article | |
Ford, B.B. | Sappho fr. 31. 9: A Defense of the Hiatus | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Francis, E.D. | Greek ἔβλην | 1974 | Glotta, pp. 1-20 | article | |
Frazer, R.M. | Nestor's Generations, Iliad I,250-252 | 1971 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Frazer, R.M. | ῥηγμῖνος at Iliad XX. 229 | 1971 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Frischer, B. | Inceptive "Quoque" and the Introduction "Medias in res" in Classical and Early Medieval Latin Literature | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-16 | article | |
Fruyt, M. | Métaphore, métonymie et synecdoque dans le lexique latin | 1989 | Glotta, pp. 1-17 | article | |
Fruyt, M. | Interprétation sémantico-référentielle du réfléchi latin | 1987 | Glotta, pp. 1-18 | article | |
Fugier, H. | Les constructions prédicatives en latin | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-22 | article | |
Förstel, K. | Sprachliche Kriterien für eine innerhomerische Chronologie? | 1970 | Glotta, pp. 1-18 | article | |
Garbrah, K. | The Dative Plural of "o"- and "a"-Stems in Homer | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-10 | article | |
Garcia-Ramón, J.L. | Proportionale Analogie im Griechischen: Der Dativ Pluralis der 3. Deklination in den aiolischen und westgriechischen Dialekten | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-24 | article | |
Gates, H.P. | On the Chronology of the Attic Rückverwandlung | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-9 | article | |
Gershenson, D.E. | Asterion - Asterios | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-12 | article | |
Godel, R. | Le subjonctif latin duim (duam) | 1979 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Gonzalez-Haba, M. | Eine verkannte lateinische Etymologie - Spanish hala | 1986 | Glotta, pp. 1-10 | article | |
Gratwick, A.S. | Plautus, "Poenulus" 967-981: Some Notes | 1972 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
Green, R.P.H. | Another Sense of "ingratis" | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-1 | article | |
Greppin, J.A.C. | Some Etymological Notes on Gk. ΣΤΑΦΥΛΙΝΟΣ, carrot | 1986 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Greppin, J.A.C. | GK. κερκορῶνος 'An Indian Bird' | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Greppin, J.A.C. | Gk. μαλλός 'fleece, lock of wool' | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Greppin, J.A.C. | A Rejoinder to Eric Hamp on *HRS- Sequences in Latin | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Gschnitzer, F. | λήϊτος und Verwandtes | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-18 | article | |
Gutiérrez, M.A. | L'interprétation des théories des grammairiens latins sur les conjonctions selon le structuralisme fonctionnel | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-14 | article | |
Gärtner, H. | Zum Artikel "Notes on the Vocabulary of Minor Tragic Poets" v. Dana Ferrin Sutton | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-1 | article | |
Habermann, W. | Lexikalische und semantische Untersuchung am griechischen Begriff βύρσα | 1988 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Hackstein, O. | Zwei Bemerkungen zu kunstsprachlichen Perfektformen im Homertext | 1989 | Glotta, pp. 1-13 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | aestumo | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-1 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | On the Oscan-Umbrian f-Perfect | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | αἰεί, ἄρῑστον, Alabanian herë, heret | 1989 | Glotta, pp. 1-1 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | Greek ῥωμή, ῥῶσις | 1986 | Glotta, pp. 1-1 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | Latin pappa | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-1 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | Latin altaria | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | ἕδρανον and χόδανον | 1985 | Glotta Vol. 63, pp. 1-1 |
article | |
Hamp, E.P. | Latin arr(h)a | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-1 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | Latin pulc(h)er | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | Latin in before dental | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | ὀλισθάνω | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-1 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | πεδά | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-1 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | μαλλός - A Clarification | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | Latin ut/ne and ut (...non) | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | Two roots *Hbhel- | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | 'eat' in Greek | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | On *ri in Latin and Albanian "krip" | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | πάθος | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | Locatival -ου | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | Early Italic Notes | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | κρέας in Archaic Cretan | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | On *HRC- in Latin | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | Palatized *l in Umbrian | 1974 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | On Medial s in Italic | 1972 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Hamp, E.P. | Latin "dacrima, lacruma" and Indo-European 'tear' | 1972 | Glotta, pp. 1-9 | article | |
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Janson, T. | The Latin Third Declension | 1971 | Glotta, pp. 1-32 | article | |
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Jong, I.J.F.D. | Ψ 430 ὡς οὐκ ἀΐοντι ἐοικώς Surprising Contamination or Effective Combination | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Jordan, D.R. | Ἑκατικά | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
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Kinsey, T.E. | The Meaning of "interea" in Virgil's "Aeneid" | 1979 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
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Knobloch, J. | Eine etymologische Fabel im Sintflutbericht bei Berossos | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-1 | article | |
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Kohl, W. | Der Opferbetrug des Prometheus | 1970 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
Koller, H. | Ἀργεϊφόντης | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
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Kotansky, R. | Λεονταχάτης or λεοντάγχης ("Hippiatr". 2. 148.5) | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Krischer, T. | Νόος, νοεῖν, νόημα | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-9 | article | |
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Kroon, C. | Rarum dictu The Latin Second Supine Construction | 1989 | Glotta, pp. 1-31 | article | |
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Kujore, O. | A Greek Exploitation of Morphological Contrasts | 1970 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Köhnken, A. | Noch einmal Phoinix und die Duale | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-10 | article | |
Köhnken, A. | Gebrauch und Funktion der Litotes bei Pindar | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
Köves-Zulauf, T. | Varros Definition von "fari" und die schicksalhafte Bedeutung des ersten Schreis (De lingua Latina 6, 52) | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-31 | article | |
Ladouceur, D.J. | Livy's use of "quamquam" and the subjunctive | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Laks, A. | Remarques sur χαίρων ἴθι | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
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Latacz, J. | Zusammenfassender Literaturbericht für die Jahre 1951-1980 (griechiech) | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-29 | article | |
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Lauritzen, J. | Word Final Velar and Labial Stops in Latin | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Lehmann, C. | Zur Typologie des Lateinischen | 1979 | Glotta, pp. 1-17 | article | |
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Lillo, A. | On type ἱερής forms in Arcadian and Cypriot | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
Lindeman, O. | Greek ὄργυια | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Linderski, J. | Fumo necare - an Addendum, | 1987 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
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Livrea, E. | Un fossile eschileo - χαλκηλάτῳ πλάστιγγι (Cho. 290) | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-8 | article | |
Lloyd, A. | A Reply to Oswald Szemerényi | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Lund, A.A. | De Germaniae vocabulo ("Taciti" Germaniae 2,5) | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-19 | article | |
Luppe, W. | πυρπερεγχει? | 1987 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Löfstedt, B. | Zum spanischen Mittellatein | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-41 | article | |
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Macleod, M.D. | Two Names form the "Dyscolos" | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Macleod, M.D. | A Lexicographical Note on Lucian, "Navigium" 39 | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Macleod, M.D. | Syntactical Variation in Lucian | 1977 | Glotta, pp. 1-8 | article | |
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Malkiel, Y. | Crumena, a Latin lexical isolate, and its survival in Hispano-Romance (Sp. colmena, dial. cormena - beehive) | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-18 | article | |
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Mastronarde, D.J. | Lautensach's Law and the Augment of Compound-Verbs in EY- | 1989 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
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Meier-Brügger, M. | Griechisch (ἐπι)λίγδην und λιχανός, lateinisch pollex und pollingere | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Meier-Brügger, M. | Zu Hesiods Namen | 1990 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
Meier-Brügger, M. | Zu zwei Verbaladjektiven ποτό- und furto- | 1989 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Meier-Brügger, M. | Zu griechisch μάτη Unbesonnenheit und Sippe | 1989 | Glotta, pp. 1-3 | article | |
Meier-Brügger, M. | Zu griechisch μυκαρίς und ἑκατογκάρᾱ | 1989 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
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Meier-Brügger, M. | Homerische Kunstsprache Synchron und diachron | 1986 | Glotta, pp. 1-21 | article | |
Meier-Brügger, M. | Zu Griechisch κτῶμαι, ἐκτησάμην, (κ)έκτημαι | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-13 | article | |
Meiser, G. | Pälignisch, Latein und Südpikenisch, | 1987 | Glotta, pp. 1-22 | article | |
Messing, G.M. | The Romance Collective Neuter and the Survival of the Latin Ablative | 1972 | Glotta, pp. 1-8 | article | |
Miller, D.G. | The Transformation of a Natural Accent System | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-14 | article | |
Miller, D.G. | Liquids plus "s" in Ancient Greek | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-14 | article | |
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Morgan, M.G. | Ipsithilla or Ipsicilla | 1974 | Glotta, pp. 1-4 | article | |
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Moutsos, D. | Greek καπάνη and Latin capanna | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-10 | article | |
Mugler, F. | Concerning the Usage and Evolution of the Conditional Sentence in Latin | 1980 | Glotta, pp. 1-14 | article | |
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Murru, F. | Alcune questioni filologico-linguistiche a proposito dell' octavus casus | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-12 | article | |
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Neitzel, H. | Zur Syntax in Aischylos Agamemnon 1468-1474 | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-13 | article | |
Neitzel, H. | Ἱστοτριβής (Aischylos Agamemnon 1443) | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
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Neitzel, H. | Eine versteckte Namensdeutung bei Aischylos | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
Neschke, A. | Strukturale und traditionale Syntax, dargestellt am Beispiel von Gerundium und Gerundivum | 1974 | Glotta, pp. 1-37 | article | |
Neubourg, L.D. | Sprachlicher und metrischer Zwang bei der Stellung von Adjektiv und Substantiv im lateinischen daktylischen Hexameter | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-21 | article | |
Neumann, Gü. | Zur Verwandtschaftsbezeichnung *ἰανατηρ | 1987 | Glotta, pp. 1-5 | article | |
Neumann, Gü. | Weitere Konjekturen zu Petrons Satyrica | 1985 | Glotta, pp. 1-7 | article | |
Neumann, Gü. | Vorschläge zum Text von Plautus' "Miles gloriosus" | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-8 | article | |
Neumann, Gü. | Drei Vorschläge zum Text von Petrons "Satyrica" | 1983 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
Newton, B. | Senses of Modern Greek Weak Modal, and Verbal Aspect | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-18 | article | |
Newton, B. | The Dialect Geography of Modern Greek Passive Inflections | 1972 | Glotta, pp. 1-28 | article | |
Nocentini, A. | A Note on Early Greek /y/ | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-2 | article | |
Nothdurft, W. | Noch einmal Πεῖραρ/Πείρατα bei Homer | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-16 | article | |
Nussbaum, A. | Umbrian "pisher" | 1976 | Glotta, pp. 1-13 | article | |
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Nyman, M. | Semantic Selection Properties and Etymology - Latin mica | 1987 | Glotta, pp. 1-19 | article | |
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Opelt, I. | Griechische Supplemente zur politischen Polemik der Römer | 1986 | Glotta, pp. 1-17 | article | |
Opelt, I. | Schimpfwörter bei Claudian | 1982 | Glotta, pp. 1-6 | article | |
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Opelt, I. | Zur politischen Polemik des Redners Andokides | 1979 | Glotta, pp. 1-9 | article | |
Opelt, I. | Gefühlswörter bei Homer und in den Argonautika des Apollonios Rhodios | 1978 | Glotta, pp. 1-21 | article | |
Opelt, I. | Schimpfwörter in der Apologie des Firmicus Maternus | 1974 | Glotta, pp. 1-13 | article | |
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Panhuis, D. | Prolepsis in Greek as a Discourse Strategy | 1984 | Glotta, pp. 1-14 | article | |
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Panhuis, D. | Word Order, Genre, Adstratum: The Palace of the Verb in Caesar's Topographical Excursus | 1981 | Glotta, pp. 1-14 | article | |
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